Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016

Nilai Nasionalisme dalam Sumpah Palapa Pada Masa Kerajaan Majapahit

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Yeni Asmara, M.Pd.

Abstract: The writing is motivated to remember an important event in the historiography of the kingdom of Majapahitnamely on sumpahpalapa which is a sacred promise that a statement or spoken by Gajah Mada to unite the archipelago in order to create a more stable life order. SumpahPalapa in which there are values of nationalism that can provide motivation and inspiration for the people of Indonesia at this time to keep trying to maintain the unity of the nation as the embodiment of patriotism, thereby strengthening the sense of solidarity among the sake of realizing common prosperity.Nationalism value contained in the Sumpahpalapa can be applied by the Indonesian people through the implementation of Pancasila as the foundation of the State in every aspect of life. The need to increase the sense of nationalism at this time, so that the Indonesian nation can face the danger of disintegration in the era of modernization and foreign influences.

Keyword : Nationalism, Sumpah Palapa, Kerajaan Majapahit

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